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Failed to load Page Widget [

Michael Bunnell (6821819) | asked Sep 22 '09, 5:06 p.m.
Hello - we are doing a local install of RTC with Webshphere on a Linux box, and are getting the following error when trying to access the Dashboards, Work Items or Builds area via the Web UI.

Failed to load Page Widget Module is a placeholder and has not yet been resolved.

Has anyone seen this issue before and know how to resolve it?

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Michael Bunnell (6821819) | answered Sep 23 '09, 12:09 p.m.
Looks like we installed a milestone build, and not a final one. Seems it had an issue with one of the files.

Thanks to the Jazz Development team for their help. They stated: ModelledTree should just be a stub that points at ModeledTree (renamed in foundation

Ended up installing the final release

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