Can't update existing question?

I am logged into with my Jazz id, using Firefox browser 54.0.1 on Windows 10. I wish to update this question:
I am told I must Register or login to answer the question! Tried logging in with Internet Explorer and Edge, both seem to accept my login, but then never show me that I am logged in (The Logoin Button still shows). At least Firefox is showing I am logged in
One answer

After asking this new question, that seemed to log me in to Jazz properly, then I was able to go back and see an answer field. Flakey system here.....

I have a similar problem since yesterday. After I login, I can see my name in top right corner and see "Ask a question" button, but cannot answer or comment existing question.
It happens in FF 45, but no problem in IE 11. So I update this comment from IE 11. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.