plugin bundle started and active but the plugin is not working.
Hi all,
CRJAZ0300I This feature is being installed: "rtchelperfeature_1.0.0.201707191534".
CRJAZ0299I Installing bundle from the URL "file:/c%3a/IBM/JAZZTE~1/server/conf/ccm/sites/rtchelperupdatesite/plugins/rtchelperplugins_1.0.0.201707191534.jar".
3 answers
Hi Kim,
Well if it does not show up it does not sound like its loaded correctly.
Is this the first extension you create ? have you had success with loading other preconditions ? If not please try a simple on and check it out. If you have had success with other advisors I would suggest you check this extension on a simple server - perhaps a quick liberty install. Just to rule out any conflicts with other extensions. Also please validate the version of the api you are using is correct for the RTC instance you are extending.
I know this is basic stuff but I don't have an obvious solution from what you have shared.
hi Kim,
So I'm a little confused.
your plugin works using the 6.0.3 API on a 6.0.3 server.
but when you run it on a 6.0 server freshly compiled with a 6.0 api it fails ?
but you have other extensions that work with the 6.0 server ?
Could you try the 6.0 version on a new instance server - just to rule out any problems with other plugins?
Kim Soederhamn
Jul 24 '17, 8:58 a.m.could you try moving the site to a different and more simple location and update you provision profile ?