Jetty based launch errors in 5.0.2
I am setting up jetty based launch for extending web UI. I have worked on server extensions without using jetty. I had used remote debug launch.
Is jetty based launch necessary for extending Web UI ?
I have created test DB successfully but when I start "Jetty RTC server" it gives me below error:
2016-07-27 18:12:04.534:INFO::Logging to STDERR via org.mortbay.log.StdErrLog
18:12:04,566 [Start Level Event Dispatcher] ERROR - Failed to locate
2016-07-27 18:12:04.566:INFO::jetty-6.1.x
2016-07-27 18:12:04.924:INFO::Started SocketConnector@
2016-07-27 18:12:05.252:INFO::Started SslSocketConnector@
18:12:05,580 [Start Level Event Dispatcher] INFO nternal.OverridablePropertyFileServerConfiguration -
To submit questions about issues, go to the forum at
To find more information about a message, see the online product documentation.
18:12:05,580 [Start Level Event Dispatcher] INFO nternal.OverridablePropertyFileServerConfiguration - CRJAZ1363I Loading the configuration from "bundleresource://132.fwk531006640:1/".
An error has occurred. See the log file
C:\Apps\IBM\Rational\Team Concert 5.0.2\workspace\.metadata\.log.
18:12:13,167 [Worker-0] ERROR net.jazz.ajax.model.WebBundleDependency - A dependency on "" could not be resolved
18:12:18,474 [Worker-0] WARN net.jazz.ajax.model.JavaScriptModule - Unable to resolve URL: dijit/themes/tundra/images/buttonActive.png in dojox.form.FileUploader
18:12:19,610 [Worker-0] WARN net.jazz.ajax/WebBundleScanner - has an unresolved dependency on
Can any one help me on this. I looked extension pdf and few web links for it no clear directions
Thank you.