'Owned by' field is set automatically once another custom attributes value changes
2 answers
There are several ways of doing this - Attribute customization likely is not the best approach. It basically depends on what the real use case is to decide the approaches. A follow up action might be possible and, with limitation, a calculated value. See my problems with many similar requests below.
I personally think this is a broken process/use case and instead of such an automation a work item query used by the responsible person to assign the owner or pick up ownership in the project would be a lot better.
They could use the query to assign the work item (as RTC is designed for) and the automation is just pointless. A lot of the automation I have seen requested here is pointless, because it tries to automate a process at a point where the process was broken by the management and users. An automation that is so simple that it does not need a human to do it is typically showing the automation is pointless and not really needed. Rules that simple to put into logic usually don't provide any benefits.
I think the use case wasn't very clear: we have a defect custom attribute that is parallel to "Team Area" field but has much more values (Component field). we are interested that once a value of the "Component" field is set, the "Owned By" field value will be set with a default owner right away, just like the owner fields optional values match the chosen team area members.
So where would the ownership information be coming from?
I want to use some sort of pre-defined mapping of Component-Owner and base my post-action on it. I just don't know how to create such a complicated "real time" post-action
I believe you would have to write your own custom follow-up action to perform this. You would need to decide where to store your Component->Owner mapping information, so that you can modify that information without modifying the source code of your follow-up action. A couple of potential places are in the process-XML, or as a file attachment to the project area process.
Your solution sounds good, can you please provide instructions about the above?
You (or someone you designate) would need to work through Ralph's extension workshop ( https://jazz.net/library/article/1000 ).