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parallel command-line builds - how many connection credentials?

Cliff Gardiner (921234) | asked Jul 20 '16, 12:00 p.m.


this is regarding running Java Service Launcher to wrap JBE builds for CLM 4.0.7 on Windows build servers.

We currently run single build engines per server that all use the same RTC connection credentials.  These run command-line builds that execute a bat file that in turn runs Ant which controls the build - the steps are:

Connect to RTC, create a repo workspace, load a sandbox, delete the repo workspace, log out of RTC, run the rest of the build, scp the build products to a binary repository.

I'm positioning for greater build throughput as we move towards a DevOps approach and want to run multiple build engines per server.  I understand the separation requirements for each JSL/JBE instance and it seems that each JSL/JBE instance needs its own RTC connection credentials or the first of two concurrent processes to log out of RTC also logs the other out.  I'd like to understand a little about the connection sessions  - if I have 5 build servers each running two JSL/JBE instances, do I need 2 or 10 sets of credentials to guarantee preventing one logoff process effectively logging off another too?

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