How do you install feature based launches (Eclipse2, JUnit2, OSGi2) on Eclipse Neon and on a Mac?
I am trying to install feature based launches into Eclipse. I am running Neon.3 (4.6.3) on a Mac.
From this page I downloaded the zip file.
For Eclipse 4.4.2 or later:
Unzip. There is a plugins directory with a in the directory.
Go to where Eclipse is installed. Right-click and choose "Show Package Contents". Now I can see this directory structure.
EclipseI moved the jar file into Contents->Eclipse->plugins.
Restarted Eclipse.
Ran "Run Configurations"
I do not see the Eclipse2, JUnit2, OSGi2.
I looked through and found some articles talk about the dropins directory. So I moved the jar file to Contents->Eclipse->dropins.
Restarted Eclipse.
Ran "Run Configurations"
I do not see the Eclipse2, JUnit2, OSGi2.
So how can I add these feature based launches to my configuration?
2 answers explains the setup process. It works with Windows and Linux, I think. I did not test with Mac (if you want to donate a good MacBook to me, I'd think about it). If It is not picked up look at Mac zip files and try to repackage.
The workshop directions said to put it in the dropins folder which I did and it didn't work. I wonder if it isn't the version of eclipse. Others using Mars can do the same thing and it works. Could there be a new jar file somewhere for these newer eclipse versions?
Yes, the workshop was recently updated, that is why I shared the link again, so you can easily see the differences. The new version is also reflected in the feature based launch page.
When I tried to go through the 222 pages of the worshop pdf, I found a section where it talked about features. It said the jar file should be in the dropins folder. I tried that and it didn't work. It needed to be in dropins->plugins->jar file. And actually I had another layer approach that worked dropins->launcher442->plugins->jar file. If it said dropins->plugins and I missed it, I apologize.
It looks like the jar file needs to go into:
dropinsI ended up doing a brand new install of eclipse. I put the downloaded file into the dropins folder and unzipped it there. It actually created this directory structure that worked.
jar file
jar file
This is the reason why I am getting more and more unwilling to spend time in answering questions here. It is explained how to deploy the launcher (unzip it and drop it into dropins) in (provided in the answer above) however I get the feeling reading is not practiced any more. It would be really easy to search for e.g. launcher in the PDF as well. However, expectation seems to be that someone writes up a new workshop for each quaestion.
Sorry if this hits you, but this is an every day observation recently.
I did read the file, I searched through the 222 page pdf. I did not see where it had to be in dropins->plugins. I'm sorry if it was right there and I missed it, but I searched through that pdf and other articles and if I had seen where the plugins folder had to exist under dropins, I would have tried that before posting.
April, the description is on page 13 for
Problem maybe is, is that if you did things too often, you get bored. I just have done this workshop too often, I guess. for others it might be still flaky.