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Multiple signatures on a work item

Jason Wilson (311326) | asked Jun 27 '17, 10:32 a.m.

Hi All,

I am wondering if anyone is available to help me please.

I am trying to create a Change Control type Work item in CCM (RTC), however for this change control to adhere to company processes (used to meet regulatory compliance) I need to create a presentation that would contain two electronic signature controls in different tabs, both of which will only be seen at certain states in the workflow.

The later part of the process I can do, and this works (hiding attributes in states)..

The issue I have is the Approval and E-Signature piece, when I add the attributes to the workitem in the required sections. They do not work independently.. So if I add the approvers in Section C of the work item, then those are automatically generated in Section E of the work item.

Please can someone tell me how I can get the Approval and Esignature in each section to work independently in each of the sections.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jun 27 '17, 11:46 a.m.

Approvals are actually not an attribute or attribute type. They are a collection that only exist once. I am pretty sure you can not have multiple approvals. I have not looked at esignatures, but I think they are tied to the approvals and I think you can only have one but I am not sure.

Jason Wilson selected this answer as the correct answer

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