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Automation Testing for testing workitem types

Vignesh ramamoorthy Muniyandy (15410) | asked Jun 27 '17, 6:41 a.m.

    I have created a custom workitem type through template customization. Now I need to test whether the created  workitem type is created as per required data. Now can we use selenium or any such tool to test the web UI by creating, editing and removing the workitems.

Is this already done using Selenium or any other tool.

Typical my questions is to test the custom workitem type.


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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Jul 14 '17, 2:23 a.m.

The description is not very clear, I am not sure if I understand your question properly.
I am confused because you mentioned selenium and sounds like you want to use an automation tool to test the flow.

If you have a RTC custom work item type in a project area, you can simply try to create a new work item from that work item type and see if it works as you expect, such as, you can set the right attributes, you can make comments and workflow transition works and you can edit and even delete the work items created(you would need permissions to do that thought).

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