Global Configuration - RTC Web Bar
2 answers
Yes it's correct as designed. RTC work items are not versioned, so you are not in a configuration context when working with work items. And when you are viewing some RTC web pages you are seeing multiple configurations or artifacts in multiple configurations. The way you associate work items with a global configuration context is by mapping deliverable attributes (Planned For, Found In, etc) to GCs.
The RTC team has been doing some explorations of ways they might improve how RTC works with global configurations without reducing the productivity of developers using the RTC SCM. If you have ideas, I'm sure the team would be interested in them.
I believe the current majority view is that RTC should be maintaining a "current configuration" context, just as RQM and DNG do. You can start to see the beginning of this in 6.0.4, where the RTC web page for a stream or snapshot now does display a current configuration context, when you navigate to that web page from a web page that either is a global configuration, or that has a global configuration context.