How to interpret license information display correctly?
Hi Guys,
I have several questions here.
Please, let me know your idea/answers.
In RTC 4.0,
I have activated my trial license key of Developer 10 at 11/09/2012.
I have added my purchased license key of Developer (workgroup) 26 at 11/09/2012.
I have assigned 2 purchased licenses key to Users.
In the Client Access License Types, currently, it displayed like below. (used short form)
RTC 4.0 DEV 35 2 33 Active November 10, 2012
RTC 4.0 DEV Trial 10 Active November 10, 2012
RTC 4.0 DEV Workgroup 26 Active
It seems like the first line represent the following information.
a) summary/total of license numbers
b) most restricted information of license availability
i.e. trial license will expire at Nov 10, 2012, therefore it shows the date in the first line.
Q1) why the total number is 35? not 36. Where is my missing license?
Q2) Is this (a & b) understanding correct and is this working as designed?
For the testing, I have changed the OS's date as Feburary 1, 2013
And review the above page again. Now it looks like this.
RTC 4.0 DEV 25 2 23 Expired Trial November 10, 2012
RTC 4.0 DEV Trial 0 Expired Trial November 10, 2012
RTC 4.0 DEV Workgroup 26 Active
The first line is showing the whole licenses are expired rather than my purchased licenses are active.
I can understand that initial design of the information might be showing the most restricted license information in the first line.
However, it may easily mislead the user on interpretation as...
"The whole licenses are expired"
Which is not good for novice RTC admin/users.
Q3) Is this can be an RFE? ( to show only valid license information only?)
Probably, if the trial license key was not activated previously, it won't be an issue.
However, it happened...
And on top of this situation, I also found that RTC can not remove the trial license key.
which means above misleading information will display forever.
Q4) Is this can be an RFE? (to delete expired trial license key from the system)
2 answers
For your question Q1 about how it seems like you lost a license, there is a workitem related to that. Here it is:
License Key Management page displays incorrect number of licenses with starter kit (214442). I don't think you actually lost the license, but there is a defect in how it is totaled and displayed.
Q4 - delete an expired trial license key from the system - this has been discussed but there are reasons why you would not want to delete the expired trial key.
I am still investigating this. I will post again when I get more answers.
Additionally, the users still see the notice about the trial licenses being due to expire the end of this month, even though our entitled licenses are installed and outnumber users by about 2:1 right now.