Link Types in DoorsNG - why do I have more than I can use
Accepted answer
A set of system-defined of link types are built-in when a RM project is created. Whether they become available for selection depends on what other projects are associated with the project. For example, the Elaborates/Elaborated By link type is available only through an OSLC integration with UNICOM Focal Point. See this document for more details.
2 other answers
I think you misunderstood my question ..... I have a full CLM project enabled, the template chosen at the time of creation would have been Use Case for the DoorsNG piece ... I see a lot of link types in the project properties including those of which I mentioned above e.g. the Elaborates/Elaborated By, Derived from / Derives .. but no matter what artifact type I create, the link options do not include these as selectable values.
There are no link constraints defined.