Change LDAP Display Name in DNG
Hi -
We are synchronized with an LDAP server which provides for our users.
The question is this: If we wanted to change the display name to be a different value, how would we go about doing this? I see that in the JTS Manage Sever page, there's a handful of jobs that populate this data, so I'm wondering if anyone has come upon the need to rename their users for clarity, and which one of those tasks can be updated to change user's display names.
Here's an example of why we would want to change this.
Michael ScottuserID: mscott, displayName: mscott
This isn't so bad. However, if we take another example, the displayName is truncated to eight characters (an inheritance of our LDAP).
Toby FlendersonuserID: tflenders, displayName: tflenders
This just doesn't work for a bunch of reasons.
Accepted answer
The LDAP settings basically map the LDAP information to the user ID and the user name etc.
You need another attribute in LDAP that has a more convenient user name format and you need to change all the LDAP mappings to use that instead of the one you use at the moment. The synchronization should change the user name accordingly.
Note: you want to keep the user ID as it is.
David Reilly
Nov 14 '18, 12:27 p.m.With some further research, it appears that this post provides some useful notes on what to modify if you're looking down this path.
I understand that a lot of this has to do with how our LDAP is set up, but if anyone has some interesting tips or guidance on this, it would be very useful. I'm a little hesitant making changes on the admin side of things if it winds up getting us "out of sync" so if anyone has a comment or tidbit to add, I'd greatly appreciate the guidance.