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Query QM or RDNG artifacts of a specific type created within past time range

Gary Dang (59338955) | asked Jun 14 '17, 11:02 a.m.

Is there a way to programmatically query QM or RDNG artifacts of a specific type created/updated during a given time period across the QM and RDNG repositories across CLM instances (note: we don't want to do it manually creating RRDI or Report Builder reports).

Gary Dang commented Jun 14 '17, 12:06 p.m.

just to clarify the description of the post. What I am trying to do is to identify what QM/RDNG artefacts a specific user has created/updated within a given time period.

4 answers

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katherine szczech (112) | answered Jun 14 '17, 3:01 p.m.

It appears that you can query for QM/RDNG to return the list of artifacts for a specific user based on a date range but note that the results for that query may change depending on when the artifact was last modified.  I was told this is the case even if you query against the data warehouse.

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katherine szczech (112) | answered Jun 14 '17, 3:09 p.m.

For RNDG, it also depends on whether config mgmt is enabled for the project.  If enabled then only LQE can be used; it would show the last modification of all the versions that are mapped to configurations.  If not enabled then both LQE and DW would only contain the very latest state of the artifact.

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katherine szczech (112) | answered Jun 14 '17, 3:29 p.m.

For QM, it appears that you can only query against a specific artifact type as opposed to having the query return all artifacts of all types.  In addition, QM seems to operate on the latest modified date much like RDNG.

Gary Dang commented Jun 14 '17, 4:52 p.m.

hi Kathy, are you referring to using REST API to query QM and RDNG?  If so, can you provide an example of the REST calls?  By the way, we don't use config mgmt in RDNG.

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katherine szczech (112) | answered Jun 15 '17, 12:00 p.m.
edited Jun 15 '17, 12:04 p.m.

Yes, there is a way to programmatically create and run such queries using the Reportable REST API.  I've provided the links below.

Reportable REST API for QM
Reportable REST API for RDNG

katherine szczech commented Jun 15 '17, 12:03 p.m.

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