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datawarehouse vs LQE

From CLM 6.0, we can use LifeCycle Engine Query as Datasource with Report Builder instead of the datawarehouse.
Moreover with the configuration management activated, the datawarehouse can't be used.
So my question is the following:
In the next version of the CLM, will the datawarehouse disappear ?
If the answer is no, what is the specificity of each datasource ?
Thank you for your help.
Best regard
From CLM 6.0, we can use LifeCycle Engine Query as Datasource with Report Builder instead of the datawarehouse.
Moreover with the configuration management activated, the datawarehouse can't be used.
So my question is the following:
In the next version of the CLM, will the datawarehouse disappear ?
If the answer is no, what is the specificity of each datasource ?
Thank you for your help.
Best regard
Accepted answer

I do not think that datawarehouse will disappear, but it is use will adapt to the new functionalities and tools. Before the 6.0 version, RRDI is the mainly tool to build reports, but with the release of the CLM 6.0 IBM announces that RRDI gives place to JRS and people that needs to use RRDI will use Cognos + an adapter.
I believe that datawarehousing will stand be used behind the scenes, but no more as the main source. The only tool that will use the DW as main source will be the IBM Cognos.
As you can see, my answer is full of beliefs. The only official news is about RRDI giving place to JRS.
2 other answers

The Lifecycle Query Engine (LQE) first shipped as part of the Rational Engineering Lifecycle Manager (RELM) and later became part of the Jazz CLM application stack in V6.0.0. The main uses of LQE are as follows
Reporting on versioned data (that is, with configuration management enabled in RM and QM applications as well as the GCM application). If you are following our release currently under development, you'll see that we've added a bunch of new data in TRS feeds (more on that below). Both JRS Report Builder and RELM can use LQE with Configuration Management as a data source.
- Doing light-weight data integration across tools using the open specification Tracked Resource Sets (TRS), which are like news feeds of change events. This provides a practical, incremental approach to data integration -- instead of big, expensive application integration projects. Once the data from multiple tools are accessible via the LQE, one can write interesting queries that effortlessly cross tool boundaries, in a sense "unlocking" the data from their traditional tool-bound silos. This is what RELM provides (including interesting multi-hop visualizations that help with understanding a complex system under development or analyzing change). The Eclipse Lyo project includes a TRS SDK. We've seen people create adapters for custom in-house tools and repositories, SAP applications, PDM/PLM applications, and other non-IBM data sources.
- As an internal data store for the CLM tools, for example the validity service behind the innovative validity/suspect capability in the release we are working on now uses an instance of LQE for its storage.
All that said, I don't see the data warehouse going away. In addition to the Cognos Adapter, many dashboard widgets get their data from the data warehouse. Along with Tiago I expect over time teams will create a higher percentage of their reports from the JRS Report Builder, since it's so easy to use.