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Linking existing testscript with testcase imported by Excel importer

Vladimir Pittner (112) | asked Aug 16 '17, 3:54 a.m.


im importing testcases with ExcelImportTool is there posisbilitie to link existing commandline scripts and execution script to them? Im trying to use testcase.executionscript=Link(D) or testcase.testscript=Link(D) or testcase.commandlinescript=Link(D).


My whole cfg file looks like this:

// Mapping for new Test Case







// Perform linking of artifacts




Can you please help me somehow?

One answer

permanent link
Jörg Werner (3033881) | answered Aug 16 '17, 4:10 a.m.



and column D contains the (internal) ID:

This worked for me and I think the tricky part is to get the ID of your test script.
If you created it via the GUI then you can use the internal ID as in my example.

   Hope this helps, Jörg

Vladimir Pittner commented Aug 16 '17, 5:01 a.m.

this isn't working for me i have good internal testscript ID.
But thank you for answer.


Jörg Werner commented Aug 16 '17, 5:15 a.m.

Okay, can you show also (part of) your Excel sheet?

In my environment a log file is created: %APPDATA%\Mso2Rqm\Mso2RQM_Debug.log

In case you have a log file may be you find additional info to identify the problem.

   cheers, Jörg

Vladimir Pittner commented Aug 16 '17, 7:57 a.m.

 Here is screenshot,

Jörg Werner commented Aug 16 '17, 9:07 a.m.

your screen shot:

Jörg Werner commented Aug 16 '17, 9:12 a.m.

I make a quick test, and if I use "" then it did not work. But if I use "" it works.
When I export the test scripts I see also "executionscript" as part of the id.

   Here is my working example (RQM 6.0.3ifix 004):

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