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Finding "My Questions" is impossible -> always error!

Marko Tomljenovic (31649109) | asked May 23 '17, 8:37 a.m.


when I want to browse "My Questions" I always get this error message: 
An error occured while fetching your current questions. Try again later!

One question is shown and then a few milli seconds later the mentioned error message is appearing, always.

This is the case for a few months now.

Can you please fix it?

Thank you

One answer

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered May 23 '17, 9:49 a.m.

Works for me Marko. I use Crome at the moment because I have issues with FireFox logon at

An option that has helped me sometines in the past with browser trouble was clearing the browser history, cookies and cache and everything else it collects. Otherwise, please file a defect against the forum here: 

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