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How to use multiple QM components in global configuration ?

Willy Dhondt (5821123) | asked May 09 '17, 2:33 a.m.
edited May 09 '17, 1:17 p.m.


With CLM 6.0.4 M5

I have defined two local configurations in the RQM application
1) component Engine - stream Engine Initial Stream - contains Engine Test Plan
2) component Radar - stream Radar Initial Stream - contains Radar Test Plan

I then in global configuration I did the following
1) create component "ship A" - stream "ship A Initial Development"
2) add "Engine Initial Stream" and "Radar Initial Stream" to the "ship A Initial Development" stream

I was expection to see "Engine Test Plan" and "Radar Test Plan" when I switch to the "ship A Initial Development" in the RQM application but I only see the "Radar Test Plan".
When I switch to the local configuration "Engine Test Plan" and then switch back to "ship A Initial Development" I see the "Engine Test Plan"

Why is RQM not showing both test plans since both local streams are in the "ship A Initial Development" stream ?

Willy Dhondt commented May 09 '17, 1:16 p.m. | edited May 09 '17, 1:17 p.m.

correction: With CLM 6.0.4 M5

Accepted answer

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered May 10 '17, 2:30 a.m.

I don't think you can work on two components at the same time at all. When you choose whichever configuration, take a look at the top of the web page where it usually shows the project name - as you have multiple components, you should see something like "<project name> | <component name>". For example, if your project name is "QM Project", you should see "QM Project | Engine" or "QM Project | Radar".

The global configuration does not magically "merge" two local configurations from two different components. It is basically a "reference". If you have multiple streams for a component/project, you can easily see this effect.

Willy Dhondt selected this answer as the correct answer

Willy Dhondt commented May 15 '17, 3:03 p.m.

Hi Donald,
  thanks for the reply. It looks like RQM won't display Test Plans that are in different components of the same Project Area. It also seems to imply that test case & test scripts  defined in one Test Plan component can't be reused in another Test Plan component.


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