Why is Sprint Backlog not in Current Plans view?
3 answers
Have you chosen to display All Team Areas in the Current Plans section?
Current Plans shows the Product Backlog, the current (with blue arrow) Sprint Backlog, and the current (with blue arrow) Release Backlog.
I don't think it should show other Sprint Backlog plans. So perhaps your "Sprint Backlog" is of the plan type Product Backlog or Release Backlog?
Whether or not the timeline is checked as the "project timeline" should have no effect on whether any of the plans for iterations in that timeline appear in the Current Plan view.
The "current plans" view should show all plans for:
- all iterations that have a blue triangle, indicated that either that iteration or a child of that iteration has been marked as being the current iteration for the timeline that contains that iteration.
- all iterations that are selected as the backlog iteration for a timeline.
- all iterations that are selected as the backlog iteration for a timeline.
How exactly I do that? I don't see where is the option to set an Iteration as the Backlog Iteration for a timeline.
To set the backlog iteration, in the WebUI, edit the project area ("Manage this project area"), and select the Planning->General tab.
I was able to change the option. I used the Eclipse RTC client, opened my project area, went to the tab Process Configuration -> Configuration Data -> Planning -> General. I selected the Backlog and click on a button on the top right that said: Mark the selected Iteration as Backlog Iteration" and clicked save.
Maxime Girard
May 09 '17, 11:25 a.m.Can I add more details to better explain my problem?
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER May 10 '17, 1:58 a.m.What iteration is the backlog set to, does it have a start and an end, is it set to current?
Maxime Girard
May 10 '17, 8:32 a.m.Hmmm,
Maxime Girard
May 10 '17, 8:43 a.m.Also, there is no Start and End date set on this Backlog.
Geoffrey Clemm
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER May 11 '17, 12:59 a.m.Whether or not an iteration has a start/end date should have no effect on whether plans for that iteration appear in the Current Plans view. Also, whether or not an iteration is in the project timeline should have no effect on whether plans for that iteration appear in the Current Plans view.