DNG 6.0.3: is it possible to "complete" a change set (before delivery)?
I have enabled for configuration management a DNG 6.0.3 project area.
The DNG change sets are linked to RTC work items.
I wonder whether it is possible to prevent users from doing further changes in a change set before deliverying it.
I mean, something like the "complete change set" operation in RTC, which actually "locks" the change set when it is still in the repository workspace.
Accepted answer
To my knowledge, no, this is not supported. You could create an intermediate stream, the "review" stream, and then deliver the change set to the review stream, which then "freezes" the change set. But this requires the extra review stream, and in case the review fails, requires creating a new change set to fix up the first change set.
One other answer
Correct, this is not supported.
Reviews can be against streams and baselines, not change sets. And for a formal review, where you review against a particular version of a set of artifacts, you create a baseline to review against.
I can follow you line of thinking, so you could file a Request for enhancement against DNG for either locking a change set, or somehow a frozen change set where the review is created against.