DNG prefixed ID for artifact types - e.g. SR-245

Is there a way to create a prefixed ID for artifact types within a DNG project and have them display that way.
For example if we have a project which has several types of requirement artifacts and one those types is System Requirement (so we have a System Requirement artifact types defined in the project properties).
Any artifact instances will already have standard DNG ID number e.g. 327
We would like this to be displayed as SR-327 in the DNG interface instead of just 327 and displayable in a module column so that different artifact types have visible type-specific identifiers as you scroll through the module.
(this similar to the module prefix concept in old DOORS 9.x except that it would apply to artifact types instead of modules - which would also make it an improvement on the Old DOORS feature).
Accepted answer

Hi Sean,
The short answer is no, see below links on similar questions about custom ID's:
Is it possible to add a prefix to the id attribute
How do we create custom prefixes for requirement id numbers
How to add prefix in DNG id number
How to create custom id automatically to artifacts in Doors Next Generation
Hope this helps.
One other answer

if (name == "CI ID Attr")
"[" + value