Bulk move base artifacts to a module
Our workflow is to upload artifacts into our base artifacts and then place the artifacts in the appropriate module. In some cases we have a few thousand requirements. Our process to go to the module and create from existing artifact and select the appropriate base artifacts folder. Using this process I can only add one page (200 artifacts) at a time.
Is there a way in a module to bulk create from existing all artifacts in a base artifacts folder.
Accepted answer
Easiest way to do this is to create a view in the folder that shows the artefact IDs, and then export that to a CSV or Excel spreadsheet. Then open the spreadsheet and delete all columns except ID and Artifact Type, and add an empty Name, isHeading and parentBinding column to the top.
Creating a view lets you export the view, which may have thousands of artefacts in it
Then import the CSV or spreadsheet into the module, and choose update existing or create new (middle option) as the import choice. This will add all the existing artefacts to the chosen module