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Is it possible to get the "Time Entry" from the "Task" via Query

Karthik Krishnan (8845119163) | asked Mar 30 '17, 11:33 a.m.
edited Mar 30 '17, 11:33 a.m.

Is it possible to get the "Time Entry" items & effort from the "Task" via Query / Reports?

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Arne Bister (2.6k12832) | answered Apr 03 '17, 9:53 a.m.


not via regular work item query as far as I know. Cannot lookup reports right now, but if all else fails there is the Java / OSLC API:

If this is helpful please accept this answer,


Karthik Krishnan selected this answer as the correct answer

Karthik Krishnan commented Apr 04 '17, 10:51 a.m.

Guess programming is the only way :(

Thanks Arne.

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