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Is it possible to link existing test cases to an exist test suit by id?

rachel bruk (17115) | asked Mar 23 '17, 7:17 a.m.


I want to link existing TC's to an existing TS while import from Excel to RQM.
I want to do it by id's because if the records in the Excel include TC/TS tittle - I get duplicate TC/TS in RQM.
how do I have to config the cfg. file if this is the Excel sheet?

TS id   TC id
81       1345
81       1234
65       1345
40       2847

-> TC can be in more than one suit

One answer

permanent link
Mehul Patel (9695) | answered Apr 06 '17, 12:51 a.m.


Yes it is possible to link newly created artifact/modified artifact to existing artifact, please refer LinkExisting documentation. Just note, you can not just refer the testcase and testsuite for linking purpose, you need to either create/update while using LinkExisting.


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