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RQM Adapter with RPT change uploaded reports

Oliver Steinbrecher (15156) | asked Sep 16 '13, 4:43 a.m.
 Hey Guys,

i am using the RQM adapter within the RPT to run automated test cases for my application. Some reports won't be uploaded to the RQM. Does anyone of you have an idea how to configure the uploaded documents to RQM? I'm essecially interested in the Functional Report. It seems to be a hard coded configuration within the adapter which can only be solved by using an other Rational tool (for example the Rational Functional Tester).

Best Regards


2 answers

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Antoinette Iacobo (650712) | answered Sep 16 '13, 11:21 a.m.
 Hi Oliver,

When you say reports being uploaded, do you mean the RPT execution logs?  From RQM, you can only view HTML-compatible logs, which are typically summarized versions of the native logs.  To view the native logs, you have to use the desktop client.  Not sure if this is your question, but I'm not sure what the reports or uploaded docs are that you are referring to.  

Oliver Steinbrecher commented Sep 17 '13, 5:22 a.m.

  Hi Antoinette,

thanks for your fast response.  At the moment my RQM Adapter submits  the following HTML Reports: 
  • Service Test Report 
  • Performance Report
But when I run my test cases stand alone within RPT it also creates an HTML Functional Test Report . It would be nice if this report will also be uploaded to RQM. Do you know if this behavior is configurable?

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Antoinette Iacobo (650712) | answered Sep 17 '13, 4:47 p.m.
I don't know of any customization where you can pick or customize what testing logs get uploaded.  I don't see it in any adapter configuration or under test execution preferences so it sounds like this is an RFE candidate.

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