Rational team concert plugin support for Visual Studio 2017
Accepted answer
We plan to support Visual Studio 2017 in the 6.0.4 release of RTC. You should be able to try it out in the M5 milestone build which should be available in a couple of weeks at https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-team-concert
- RTC VS Team
Wow! Thank you very much. I'm glad to see how quickly you are accommodating 3rd party IDE's.
1 vote
Are there any plans to support RTC 6.0.3 with an iFix? If so, when?
We are currently focusing on delivering the support in the 6.0.4 release of RTC planned for first half of 2017. Once that's done, we will assess on back porting the support to an earlier release. We are still assimilating customer requests about which release to back port the support on, and we will consider your request as an input for that decision as well.
- RTC VS Team
Is there a location somewhere, where we can make that request?
Please work with IBM support to raise a PMR for your requirement. Here's the jazz.net work item for your reference: Add support for Visual Studio 2017 (406956)
VS-2017 installed. Now I try to install RTC606 for VS plugin through IM. But in the display, IM cant detect 2017 VS but it detects 2010 only.
Hi Manoj, can you see if the suggestions at https://jazz.net/library/article/89235#5 help?