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Why do I need to set my current sandbox in Visual Studio?

Danny Beerens (801828) | asked Aug 16 '13, 9:29 a.m.
Every time it asks to set sandbox to current workspace, don’t understand why every time it has to be done?
Can't the RTC client remember the last sandbox I've used and automatically set this to 'current' at start-up?
This impedes the acceptance of RTC for the engineers I support.

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Sreerupa Sen (1.0k4) | answered Aug 19 '13, 12:20 a.m.
 Hi Danny,
    You can open the shared solution that you were working on in Visual Studio - that automatically sets the sandbox. Visual Studio as you know does not have the concept of an associated default solution. Many .NET developers, including most people in my team, work on multiple solutions in multiple sandboxes at the same time. So setting a current sandbox for Visual Studio is an idea we didn't pursue.

RTC Clients

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