Jazz Library Workarounds and Limitations: Known issues in IBM Rational Team Concert 6.0.4
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Workarounds and Limitations: Known issues in IBM Rational Team Concert 6.0.4

The following known problems are related to this release.


The following problems in this release have workarounds:


The following problems in this release do not currently have workarounds:


IBM Installation Manager does not detect Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 when it is installed

First occurrence

When you install the IBM Rational Team Concert client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE, an additional option for Visual Studio 2017 is available. The option is disabled if Visual Studio 2017 is not detected on the computer, or if the Visual Studio 2017 installation is corrupt. Microsoft provides a Setup API to query installed editions of Visual Studio 2017 with sample code and utilities at Microsoft/vs-setup-samples. Run the sample to determine whether your Visual Studio 2017 installation is corrupt.

If the installation is corrupt, repair Visual Studio 2017 and ensure that it installs successfully:

1. Close IBM Installation Manager and all instances of Microsoft Visual Studio.
2. Repair Visual Studio 2017 by using the Visual Studio Installer as described in Modify, Repair, And Uninstall Visual Studio 2017 Using Visual Studio Installer.
3. Re-run IBM Installation Manager and confirm that the Visual Studio 2017 option is enabled.

Related information
Work Item 416092

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Rational Team Concert client is not installed on all instances of Microsoft Visual Studio 2017

First occurrence

When you install the IBM Rational Team Concert client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE from IBM Installation Manager and select Visual Studio 2017, the integration is installed on all instances of Microsoft Visual Studio 2017. However, if you install additional instances of Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 after you install the Rational Team Concert client, the integration is not available on the newly installed instances of Microsoft Visual Studio 2017.

Re-install the Rational Team Concert client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE by completing the following steps:

1. In IBM Installation Manager, select the Modify option, deselect Visual Studio 2017, and then finish the installation.
2. In IBM Installation Manager, select the Modify option, select Visual Studio 2017, and then finish the installation.

This process installs the Rational Team Concert client on all installed instances of Microsoft Visual Studio 2017.

Related Information
Work Item 416095

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URL for work item OSLC pickers has changed

First occurrence

In version 6.0.4 and later, the URL for the work item OSLC picker uses pickers instead of _ajax-modules.

The following example shows the new URL format:

The following example shows the previous URL format:

The previous format for URLs does not work with the picker dialog boxes.

If you use a whitelist, change the URLs by replacing _ajax-modules with pickers.

Related information
Work Item 419973

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An error is displayed when the Rational Team Concert Client Extension is installed with products based on Eclipse 4.6 (Neon)

First occurrence


When the Rational Team Concert Client Extension is installed with products that are based on Eclipse 4.6 (Neon), such as Rational Software Architect, an error might be displayed once each session with text such as An SWT error has occurred or No more handles.

On Linux systems that use the apt-get tool to install software, run the following command to install the libwebkitgtk library:

sudo apt-get install libwebkitgtk-1.0-0

On Linux systems that use RPM to install software, such as Red Hat, download webkitgtk-2.4.9-1.el7.x86_64.rpm and run the following command to install it:

sudo rpm -ihv webkitgtk-2.4.9-1.el7.x86_64.rpm

Related information
Work Item 425554
Stack overflow: swt browser No more handles Error

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Jazz repository login errors occur if the Rational Team Concert Client Extension is installed after Rational Software Architect

First occurrence

This issue occurs if you use IBM Installation Manager to install Rational Software Architect 9.5 or 9.6 (and possibly other versions) and then install version 6.0.3 interim fix 005 or later of the Rational Team Concert Client Extension for Eclipse 4.x. After you install the client extension, you cannot log in to the Rational Team Concert server and receive a Repository Connection Failed error or errors in the Eclipse error log that begin like this:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.apache.http.impl.client.WinHttpClients
at com.ibm.team.repository.transport.client.RemoteTeamServer.isWindowsAuthAvailable(RemoteTeamServer.java:2590)
at com.ibm.team.repository.client.login.AbstractLoginInfo.isWindowsAuthPossible(AbstractLoginInfo.java:31)

This issue does not occur if you install Rational Software Architect and the Rational Team Concert Client Extension at the same time. For new installations, use IBM Installation Manager to install both items at the same time.

If you already have Rational Software Architect installed, and then install the client extension and experience this issue, start the Eclipse IDE by using the -clean option. If you use a Windows shortcut to start the IDE, add -clean to the end of the Target field in the shortcut properties. If you start the IDE by running the Eclipse executable file from a command prompt, add -clean to the command argument list.

To correct the issue, you should only have to start Eclipse by using the -clean option once.

Related information
Work Item 416596

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Using the P2 site to install the Rational Team Concert client into an Eclipse 3.6.2 instance prevents that instance from restarting

First occurrence

If you use the shipped P2 site to install the Rational Team Concert client for Eclipse IDE into an Eclipse 3.6.2 instance, the Eclipse instance fails to restart.

Complete the following steps:

1. Prepare the environment.
   a. Install a clean instance of Eclipse 3.6.2 by extracting the archive file into a location where you have not previously attempted to install Rational Team Concert plug-ins. Configure this Eclipse instance with the matching Java 1.7 version (32-bit or 64-bit).
   b. Download the required 3.6.2 Rational IES Patches patches (3.6.2-Rational-IES_PATCHES_RTC40-fixzippack.zip) from
http://www-933.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/swg/selectFixes?parent=ibm~Rational&product=ibm/Rational/Rational+Team+Concert&release= An IBM ID is required.
   c. Extract the file to a path in the target system.

2. Add the Update Site for Eclipse Helios release (If not present) into the target Eclipse instance.
   a. Click Help > Install New Software.
   b. Click Add.
   c. In the Name field, enter Helios.
   d. In the Location field, enter http://download.eclipse.org/releases/helios. Click OK.
   e. Clear the Group Items by category check box.

3. Install the features that are required for Rational Team Concert.
   a. With the Helios update site still shown in the Work with field, select Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment. Click Next. Review the agreement. Click Finish to install the feature. Restart the Eclipse client.
   b. Repeat step a, but select XSD – XML Schema definition Model. Restart the Eclipse client.
   c. Repeat step a, but select Eclipse Modeling Framework Runtime and Tools. Restart the Eclipse client.
   d. Repeat step a, but select Eclipse Java Development Tools. Restart the Eclipse client.

4. Apply the additional required patches.
   a. Add a new local update site by pointing to location of the extracted file that you downloaded in step 1.
   b. Select the new update site, and then select the following entries:
      – Equinox P2 USER UI Patch (bugzillas 338600,348013,345723)
      – HELP Patch (bugzillas 375751)
      – JDT Patch (bugzillas 336934,341131,342073,351095,355570,305172,287164, 311192)
      – PDE Patch (bugzillas 337909,308741,347379)
      – Platform Patch (bugzillas 337719,335860,342308,345760,342308,345549,355614,339360)
      – RCP Patch (bugzillas 333323,344855,344653,277618,350739,345549)
   c. Click Next. Review the agreement. Click Finish to install the patches. Restart the Eclipse client.

5. Install Rational Team Concert by using the P2 site.
   a. Add the Rational Team Concert update site location. This location can be local (on the same machine) or remote (specify the URL where the P2 update site is made available for your organization).
   b. With the Rational Team Concert update site shown in the Work with field, select the Rational Team Concert Client (extend an Eclipse installation) group.
   c. Click Next. Review the agreement. Click Finish. Restart the client. When the client opens, the Work Items perspective should be available and functional.

Related information
Work Item 439124
Install RTC Eclipse Client 4.0 into an existing Eclipse 3.6.2 using Installation Manager

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The -rebuildTextIndices command can cause the system to stop responding if work items or attachments contain long lines of text

First occurrence

In rare circumstances, when you run the repository tools -rebuildTextIndices command, the system might take a long time to respond or appear to hang. This issue occurs when text in a work item or work item attachment contains very long lines of text with no spaces, such as text that is hundreds or thousands of characters long. The system processes these lines as candidates for stack traces, which is a feature that enables you to find matching text in work items. To skip processing these lines and improve the performance of the -rebuildTextIndices command, you can set a system and server property.

The following fix is valid for these versions:
  • 5.0.2 interim fix 021 or later
  • 6.0.2 interim fix 011 or later
  • 6.0.3 interim fix 005 or later
  • 6.0.4 or later
By default, any lines longer than 2000 characters are skipped during indexing.

To process all the lines, or to change the default limitation of 2000 characters, complete the following steps.

Set the system and server property for the -rebuildTextIndices command:

1. For each server that is running an instance of the CCM or QM application, open the repotools-application.bat file.

The variable application represents the abbreviation for the application:
Change and Configuration Management (CCM): repotools-ccm.bat
Quality Management (QM): repotools-qm.bat

2. In the file, find this line:

3. After the line, add these lines:
set DEFINE=%DEFINE% “-Dcom.ibm.team.repository.restrictStackTraceLineLength=false”
set DEFINE=%DEFINE% “-Dcom.ibm.team.repository.stackTraceLineLength=2000”

When this system property is set to true, any lines longer than 2000 characters will be skipped during indexing.
To adjust the default character limit, change the value of -Dcom.ibm.team.repository.stackTraceLineLength to an integer. If the value is set to 0, indexing will be skipped.

4. (Optional) For each server that is running an instance of the CCM or QM application and has encountered this issue, complete the steps based on the type of application server:

For Apache Tomcat or WebSphere Liberty:
a. In the server.startup.bat file, find this line:
set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Djava.awt.headless=true

b. After the line, add these lines:
set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% “-Dcom.ibm.team.repository.restrictStackTraceLineLength=false”
set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% “-Dcom.ibm.team.repository.stackTraceLineLength=2000”

For WebSphere Application Server:
a. Use the web console to go to Application servers > server 1 > Process definition > Java Virtual Machine.
b. Add the following lines to the Generic JVM arguments settings.

5. Run repotools-application.bat -rebuildTextIndices.

If -Dcom.ibm.team.repository.restrictStackTraceLineLength is set to true, lines that are longer than the specified character limit are skipped during indexing.

If debugging is enabled, the repotools-application_rebuildTextIndices log file and the console show information about the affected artifact and lines.

Indexing document belonging to artifact : 10: Stacktrace Defect , of type : com.ibm.team.workitem.WorkItem
Skipping the regex matching for line : [9/10/14 0:30:43:558 CEST] 00000101 id=        ca..   of length : 2500
Skipping the regex matching for line : [9/10/14 0:31:44:557 CEST] 00000102 id=         c… ;  of length : 17838

Related information
Work Item 380785
Work Item 413255
Repository tools command-line reference
Repository tools command to rebuild text indexes

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Extensions should not be disabled or uninstalled from Microsoft Visual Studio 2017

First occurrence

When you install IBM Rational Team Concert into Microsoft Visual Studio 2017, the Rational Team Concert extensions are listed under Tools > Extensions and Updates. Do not disable or uninstall the Rational Team Concert extensions from within Visual Studio 2017. To install or uninstall the Rational Team Concert client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE, use only IBM Installation Manager.

Related Information
Work Item 417681

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Screen capture tool does not work on macOS

First occurrence

The work item editor in the web client provides the ability to take screen captures and attach them to work items. The screen capture tool is a separate Java application that requires Java Web Start to run. On macOS, if you run the downloaded JNLP file by using Java Web Start with JRE 1.6, 1.7 or 1.8, the following exception occurs: org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Invalid thread access. This error is caused by a limitation with JNLP, which is a known Java issue.

Related information
Work Item 417788
Tip: Work Item Screen Capture
Oracle bug JDK-8078230
Oracle bug JDK-8147056

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Rational Team Concert Shell does not show the status of ignored files and folders

First occurrence


Rational Team Concert Shell uses overlay icons to indicate the source control status of files and folders in a sandbox. However, in Windows 8.1 and 10, Rational Team Concert does not use overlay icons to show the source control status of ignored files and folders. To view the source control status of a file or folder, right-click it; then, click Rational Team Concert > Pending Changes Status. If the file or folder is not ignored, and the overlay icon is not displayed, see Workaround: Overlay icons do not appear on files and folders in a sandbox in Rational Team Concert Shell to check for overlay icon issues in Rational Team Concert Shell.

Related information
Work Item 371097
Workaround: Overlay icons do not appear on files and folders in a sandbox in Rational Team Concert Shell

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Load bars are inaccurate for users in different time zones from the server

First occurrence

If team members work in or have their computers set to a time zone that differs from the server’s time zone, the plan load bar and user load bar do not reflect the correct remaining time.

For example, if the server is set to Eastern Time (ET) and the scrum master checks the plan load at 09:00 ET, team members whose work day ends at 17:00 Indian Standard Time (IST) are incorrectly shown as contributing 8 hours of available load to the plan load for the current day. Because the work day is over for those team members, the plan load should not include any time for them.

When the scrum master checks the user load for team members in the IST time zone, the amount of available load differs based on the computer’s time zone:
  • On a computer set to ET, the load bar shows 8 hours of available load.
  • On a computer set to Pacific Time (PT), the load bar shows 7 hours of available load.
  • On a computer set to IST, the load bar shows 0 hours of available load.
Related information
Work Item 437989
Work Item 138912

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Wed, 31 May 2017