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CRJZZ0214E Resource definition already exists in the repository. how can I find it?

Janet Masters (17814) | asked Mar 22 '17, 11:15 a.m.

When I try to add a new data set to the DD concatenation in the language translator of an RTC build, I get msg:  CRJZZ0214E  Resource definition already exists in the repository 
How can I find it?  It is not in the list of data sets to choose from.

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered Mar 22 '17, 3:45 p.m.
edited Mar 22 '17, 3:52 p.m.

Hi Janet,

This is a guess on my part, maybe the ID of the resource cannot be reused within a repository meaning that it may exist in a different project area.  I don't venture into the Enterprise Extensions territory except to peer about....

PS.  If you want to drop by we can try to take a look ( if this is on the RTC that I think )

Janet Masters selected this answer as the correct answer

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