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Copy-Paste paragraph in DNG 5.0.2

Yoram Ben-Haim (43117) | asked Mar 09 '17, 12:07 p.m.
edited Mar 09 '17, 12:16 p.m.
I’m using DNG 5.0.2.
I’ve a requirement specification with a lot of details and many many requirements.

The requirements arranged as a hierarchal  structure (Tree like).

MY question: While I’m trying to Copy-Paste one branch, The DNG lists the new branch incorrectly. I always have to refresh the browser (CTRL+F5) and seek for the relevant paragraph in order to synchronize the details in the new branch (i.e. Correct sub-paragraph numbering).

This procedure takes time and it is very annoying and inefficient, especially since I’ve to do it a lot of time. 

Is there any suggestion? Is there a way to avoid this?

Thanks a lot

Donald Nong commented Mar 09 '17, 7:41 p.m.

When you say "Copy-Paste", from where to where?

Yoram Ben-Haim commented Mar 10 '17, 5:36 a.m.

 Copy-Paste means, Copy-Paste an artifact within the DNG module. The artifact is like a branch in a tree it contains numbered sub-artifacts (i.e. Use cases and more specific requirements). At a first look, after pasting this artifact it looks like the numbering goes wrong. only CTRL+F5 fixed this... but then I need to Re-seek the specific location. This is very inconvenient !

Accepted answer

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Mar 12 '17, 7:47 p.m.

I don't have RDNG 5.0.2 right now for testing, and I have no such problem in RDNG 6.0.3. As you use non-standard terms, I can't be sure I follow your steps exactly. Maybe you can follow the below steps and let me know the results.
1. Select the top level artifact of the "branch" (or a section).
2. Use the pencil menu to choose Copy Artifact or press Ctrl+C.
3. Move to the desired location in the same module.
4. Use the pencil menu to choose Paste ## Artifacts > After... (## is the number of artifacts in the selected branch/section).

You can request a RDNG sandbox on to test out the latest RDNG 6.0.3 iFix001, and compare the result with your current RDNG 5.0.2 environment.

Yoram Ben-Haim selected this answer as the correct answer

Yoram Ben-Haim commented Mar 13 '17, 2:00 a.m.

 Thanks Donald. appreciation for your help. I already did these basic steps but I do have to issue a CTRL+F5 to see the "Pasting" result properly. BTW , I'm working on Chrome Web browser while the Database handled by the enterprise server of our company. We intend to have a 6.0.3 upgrade in the future, but I'm not confident this is the case here. 

Donald Nong commented Mar 13 '17, 8:55 p.m.

I did the same test in Chrome and it worked just fine with RDNG 6.0.3 iFix001. After the pasting, the web page will do a refresh automatically. So if RDNG 5.0.2 does not do it for you automatically, a manual refresh is the only way to go.

Yoram Ben-Haim commented Mar 14 '17, 6:45 a.m.
 Thanks Donald. 

One other answer

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Yoram Ben-Haim (43117) | answered Mar 10 '17, 5:37 a.m.

 Copy-Paste means, Copy-Paste an artifact within the DNG module. The artifact is like a branch in a tree it contains numbered sub-artifacts (i.e. Use cases and more specific requirements). At a first look, after pasting this artifact it looks like the numbering goes wrong. only CTRL+F5 fixed this... but then I need to Re-seek the specific location. This is very inconvenient !

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