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How to see all versions between two delivery in Rational Team Concert

PRASANTA CHAUDHURI (11032025) | asked Mar 08 '17, 4:01 p.m.

How to see all versions between two delivery in Rational Team Concert

I did changes and delivered the changes of a file ( Myfile.txt ) with comment "Delivery 1" and that time the Version ID of the file is say 2.
I did the change of the same file , Save it and Checkin with "No Comment" and From History of the File I see Version 3 is Created .
Again I did the change of the same file , Save it and Checkin with "No Comment" and From History of the File I see Version 4 is Created BUT I do not see the Version 3.

I do change again on the same file , Save and Checkin with "No Comment" and From History of the File I see Version 5 is Created BUT I do not see the Version 3.& 4.

Now I deliver the Changes with Comment "Delivery 2 " -- It shows the version of the file as 5

So between "Delivery 2 " and " Delivery 1" -- version 2, 3 and 4 has gone . How I can see version 3 or 4 .

NOTE :: I can not Check in with New Change Set , It indicate the below message
--------- Checking-in changes to new change set
Cannot check-in Myfile.txt because it is already being changed in another active change set.

Instead of picking a specific change set, try allowing the check-in to pick the correct change set.

Can some one help me on this . i,e how to see intermediate versions between two delivery



Accepted answer

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Lily Wang (4.9k714) | answered Mar 08 '17, 6:11 p.m.

The version id is generated by sequence for every check-in. When you check-in version 3, 4 and 5 the same change set was used. So only version 5 is shown with the change set when you browse the file history.

In the History view if you select the drop down menu in the top right  and choose "Show Check-in History", you will see a new section which will show the intermediate states for the change set. 

In addition, to check-in to a new change set, you can right-click the current active change set in the Pending Changes view and select "Complete".

PRASANTA CHAUDHURI selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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PRASANTA CHAUDHURI (11032025) | answered Mar 09 '17, 3:39 p.m.

Thanks Lily Wang,

This facility is there only in Eclipse . But I am working from RTC DOT NET VS Client and in that Client "Show Check-in History",DOES NOT show the Inter-mediate version .

Is there any way to see the intermediate versions between two delivery using RTC DOT NET VS Client.



Lily Wang commented Mar 09 '17, 7:14 p.m.

According to the document the "Show check-in history" option is available in RTC for VS client.

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