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Authentication error in RTC-JTS with Active Directory

Andrea Maytin (131811) | asked Mar 10 '15, 4:33 p.m.
edited Mar 16 '15, 9:44 a.m. by Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12)
We have a fail login with two users with RTC production environment (version 4.0.6). In LDAP, these users are in the JazzUsers group and have active licenses. They can be added to groups and Project Areas in RTC / QM smoothly.
However when authenticating JTS it cannot enter and the system displays a message "invalid username and password."
It was validated with new password permission to JazzUsers repository and licenses are checked. Permission logon on the JTS production server was review.
Besides this, the LDAP traces were activated, but the jts.log file does not record the login attempts so as the ccm.log and qm.log respectively.
Likewise, a sniffer was enabled to listen to the network traffic but did not get the two users to login either. 
Do you know what might me happening and what can we do to solve this problem?

Thanks in advanced,

Marek Siekierski commented Mar 10 '15, 5:32 p.m.

Hi Andrea,

Are you using Microsoft AD? Do the users happen to have any special characters in their usernames or passwords?

Are you you using Tomcat or WAS? Are there any errors thrown in the application server logs?

Donald Nong commented Mar 10 '15, 11:24 p.m.

That's bizarre. If you cannot even capture the authentication process on the wire, I suspect that the issue occurs locally, i.e. browser cache, but can't really explain how it can happen.

Abraham Sweiss commented Mar 11 '15, 1:38 p.m.

Is this instace running on Websphere.  If so then we would need to review the Websphere logs.

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