Can I show the list of Approvers in the Approval email in RTC?
RTC 5.0.2 (iFix15). Our user community wants the RTC Approval email to show the list of approvers in the body of the Approval email. So they can see who all is on the approval list for the approval.
I have changed the Approval email template for new customized attributes, etc, and have looked on this forum for a couple of hours but can not seem find how to return this data.
Similar to how the template returns ${approvalDescription} and ${ApprovalTitle}, I am looking for something like ${approvalApproverNames}, but have not been able to find a list of attributes or syntax that will work.
I am looking for the list of names for the current approval level.
Accepted answer
I believe the answer is no. The variables that you can use are listed here.
And it appears that you cannot retrieve the approval information through ${workitem} either.
One other answer
Thanks Don.
I did figure out a way to do this. We have a "follow up action" defined for this project area that implements server side plug-in java code. (If I really wanted to) I can define a customized attribute called something like "ListofApprovers" and have the server side plug in code update this attribute when the approvers are populated (We already build the approvers based on roles in another subsystem).
I could then simply display the "ListofApprovers" as it would be a workitem variable...
<td>#if(${workItem.ListofApprovers}) Approvals required by:</td>
<td>${workItem.ListofApprovers} #end</td>
I didn't want to have to go this route.