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Customizing IBM Rational Insight

vasanthakumari hariharan (231129) | asked Feb 27 '17, 6:47 a.m.

 HI, Please see the below link.

In this they are specifying how to add requirement description manually into data warehouse tables, & For updating XDC file they are navigating into XML Data Configuration > Resources > RRC > RRC > NoLinksResources > AllResourcesNoLinks,  For me i want to add Project Template name (Process name), so which should i have to update in XDC file.

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Kenji Sarai (96039) | answered Feb 28 '17, 4:23 a.m.
edited Feb 28 '17, 4:30 a.m.

Hi Vasanthakumari,

This process name should be included in project area. So open jfs_405.xdc (or latest version if available), then go to Resources > JazzFoundationServices > JFS > ProjectArea >ProjectArea. Ensure if the data you want to add is exposed by Reportable REST API feed as below.

You can construct the REST API path above from URL in JFS and Xpath in ProjectArea in XML Data Configuration.

If you can find the data what you want, then you can go ahead to customize ETL job. If not, unfortunately you need to seek for alternative way to retrieve the data.

Kenji Sarai commented Feb 28 '17, 4:36 a.m. | edited Feb 28 '17, 4:43 a.m.

This website cannot show the REST API path correctly somehow. See below REST API

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