Does RDNG displaying the links of Rational Team Concert source control files to CLM artifacts
From the Eclipse client SCM files can be linked to DNG requirements.
2 answers
Unfortunately, the DNG dev team was not able to contain the display of the backlinks to RTC files in 6.0.3, so those backlinks are not visible in the DNG 6.0.3 GUI. But the design intent is for the backlinks to RTC files be visible, just as the backlinks to RTC work items are visible.
A workitem requesting this functionality is
DNG artifacts can be linked to RTC work items. Supported link types here are Tracked By, Implemented By, and Affected By. There are no links to RTC source control elements.
I know that in 6.0.3 a feature was introduced in RTC eclipse client to relate source elements to RQM test artifacts and DNG requirements if configuration management is enabled and the components are in a global configuration. Don't think DNG makes those relations visible.