Jan 08 '15, 3:03 p.m.
I did some work on a custom work item and now I can not open the work item because I have "Unsaved changes" for that work item type. It appears to be cause I changed the form layout while an existing work item was still open. How do I close out these unsaved changes? Running 4.0.3
Geoffrey Clemm
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Jan 11 '15, 11:13 p.m.You probably need to be more explicit.
When you say you "did some work on a custom work item", what exactly was the work that you did?
When you say "I cannot open the work item", what specific gesture were you using in what GUI to open the work item? In particular, I could understand it refusing to let you close an editor if there are unsaved changes in that editor, but I've never had the system complain about "unsaved changes" when I try to open a work item.