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Last Test Result in RS using LQE with configuration

Sany Maamari (13243851) | asked Jan 27 '17, 12:16 p.m.
edited Jan 27 '17, 12:17 p.m.


After activating the global configuration on my RM and QM project, I'm trying the transform my RS data warehouse report to LQE with Configuration reports

I'am looking for the last result attribute of th Test Case Execution Result I now that it was available in the datawarehouse style reports but I can see it anymore
If a do a traçability link between a TCER and a result I get all the result history but that is not what want. 

Does anyone know how to solve this issue and able me to make a report showing passed/failed tested requirements. 

Thank you for your help

One answer

permanent link
Navneet Srivastava (17712) | answered Jun 12 '17, 12:04 p.m.

Hello Sanny , 

You should choose the current result option in the traceability link model 

QM Test Execution Result => Current Test Result => QM test Result. 

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