arabic character issue while exporting test cases
2 answers
If you are talking about RQM, as you mentioned "Test Cases", it should be about specifying correct fonts for the export.
If you are talking about RDNG, as you tagged the post with "rational-doors-next", I cannot see the same issue in my own RDNG 6.0.2 environment - the content in the PDF looks the same as in the Web GUI, in Arabic.
Thank you very much for your help
but the Arabic language not in language list in the QM advanced properties
could you please help me to add this language
If it's not there, it can mean that it is not officially supported. In this case, you can try to change the default font for English to one that supports Arabic.
Hi Ahmed,
Thanks for your help. Just for the record. The problem was resolved "by changing the default English Font to KacstBook "
You must specify the font, based on locale, in multiple settings. These settings are found in the Jazz Server Administration -> Advanced Properties page, in the RQM Integration Component section, under The default font for each locale is Helvetica, which does not contain every character/glyph for each language. The server administrator must specify the desired font for each locale that will be generating PDFs. This does not require a server restart.