IBM RPE Count Issue
DoorsNG Environment: We have a deployment of IBM DoorsNG v6.0.2
RPE Environment: V2.1.1
Need: We need to count the number of Artefacts and Requirements in our Modules
RPE Count Script: We use the following simple Java Script line for the count: “_countrecords=_countrecords*1+1”
Problem: It takes a very long time to counts the artefacts in our module. It takes about 2-3hours for a module of 2500 artifacts
Query: How can this query be optimised? What are other ways to do such counts faster?
One answer
Have you considered using JRS Report Builder? It's fast to do counts that way, since JRS Report Builder pulls from the data warehouse (or from LQE, depending on your configuration) rather than RPE making lots of sequential requests to DNG directly. If you need to supplement your report with additional information directly from DNG"s reportable REST APIs, you can use your JRS report as an input to your RPE template.