Review option in testcase window does not gets updated accordingly as selected in formal review section
2 answers
Hi Jerry
Thanks very much for the inputs.
I'm also curious to know the presence of the "Review Test Case" >> "Mark as Reviewed / Rejected" that we see when we browse the test cases via "Construction" menu in RQM ?
So selecting/marking the testcase as "Reviewed" / "Rejected" operate in the similar way as we do in the "Formal Review" section ??
In general, What happens when the reviewers and approver's approve the test case using this option from the browser test case?
Thanks in advance
Hi Jerry
Reason for asking this question is , we also see the Test case status info as soon as we open the test case as well as see the status info in the Formal Review section.? So is there a flow that needs to be followed while marking a test case as "Reviewed" / "Approved" / "Rejected" ??
Thanks Rajesh
Hi Jerry
Thanks for the inputs. So, what is the purpose of having the review option in browse test case window?
The one on the pulldown that lets you do mass review or reject? If so, then it's to allow same action on multiple test cases at the same time.
When I select to review the test cases for which I'm not a reviewer, what happens ??
For Example:
- Assign user A as reviewer for 3 test cases.
- Login as user A and try to select 5 test cases and then try to review / approve them.