RTC clearcase synchronizer

Hello, Can RTC clearcase synchronizer be configured to sync from CC to RTC one
way ?
I.e I need all changes from a ClearCase stream to be synched/merged to
RTC synchrozination stream.
I do not need RTC synchronization stream changes to be merged back to
CC stream.
Please advise if this possible and supported.
One answer

You can setup an import-only synchronized stream to import ClearCase history to RTC source control. Please refer to https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.team.connector.scm.cc.doc%2Ftopics%2Fc_import_history.html for details.

Wang, Sorry for not being clear enough. I want to do a one way sync from CC to RTC and be able to continue to sync over a period of time.
It is my understanding that RTC CC synchronization import is a one time task that imports from CC and RTC and there is no subsequent sync capability that exists.
Please advise.

Per the document Importing additional Rational ClearCase history you can import subsequent changes in ClearCase.