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How to Hide port number from URL(jazz team server)

andy V (1313) | asked Jan 17 '17, 3:02 a.m.
retagged Jan 20 '17, 5:02 p.m. by Ken Tessier (84117)

 I am trying to hide the port number from the URL of jazz team server. 

I refer the following Document for the same 

steps that I gone through
1) I make a changes in server.xml file
2) and then start configure(setup) (https://company.clm/jts/setup) but i got error "site cannot reached".
3) So, i Make a changes and done my setup using (https://company.clm:9443/jts/setup) . Its work.
4) After all the setup . I successfully log on to (https://company.clm:9443/jts/admin)
5) Then I restart the server using the changes in server.xml (https://company.clm/jts/admin)
6) Its work , but when i create a new projectlife cycle or simply go to the home , the URL changes to (https://company.clm:9443/jts/) na dI got Error "Site cannot reached".

So, please guide me for the same.

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jan 17 '17, 5:00 a.m.

You have to set the server or the proxy server up with the well known port 443 before you set up the server. If you have already set up the server you have to do a server rename. Stephane in the article Hide port number from URL did the setup of the server only after the changes and using the public URI root without port number.

Geoffrey Clemm selected this answer as the correct answer

2 other answers

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Matthew Clark (10711347) | answered Jan 17 '17, 10:39 a.m.

You need to do a server rename on your Jazz environment. This uses a mapping file to redirect the public URI. It involves a minor performance hit as well. I would recommend opening a ticket with IBM support to make this happen.

Additionally, your environment will need a reverse proxy (such as IBM HTTP Server) in order to hide the port number. Please see this article....

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Alan Sampson (93749) | answered Jan 17 '17, 2:22 p.m.

Rather than going through the hoops involved in server rename you should investigate deploying a reverse proxy. With a reverse proxy properly configured your user base should be able to reach the application server without using a port number without making an invasive change to the application.

Matthew Clark commented Jan 17 '17, 2:33 p.m. | edited Jan 21 '17, 4:38 p.m.

Hypothetical questions..isn't a server rename required along with a reverse proxy server?  Without the server rename, clicking the links within CLM, for example clicking the app drop down list next the the home icon, would take the user to old URLs that include the port number correct?  Only doing the server rename would completely remove the port number from all links that a users may click in CLM?

Alan Sampson commented Jan 17 '17, 2:46 p.m.

A server rename isn't required if to deploy a reverse proxy. You can use reverse proxy to hide the CLM server's public URI (and the fact that it includes a port number) from end users. Once users have reached the application server I doubt they care if the links don't match what the use to reach the home page and remember; uses a reverse proxy to expose the application server URI to the public.

Server rename is a potential point of failure and can also be costly. There are better ways and it should be avoided if possible.

Ralph Schoon commented Jan 18 '17, 2:39 a.m.

The reverse proxy does not help AFTER the public URI was created with a port number encoded. You need to have the correct Public URI before or do a server rename, regardless if you use a reverse proxy or not.

Ralph Schoon commented Jan 18 '17, 2:40 a.m.

But to change from a public URI with a port number exposed to a public URI that uses the well known port, a server rename is required.

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