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[closed] steps to install latest iFix for CLM 502 before interim upgrade from 405?

long TRUONG (3654121147) | asked Oct 10 '18, 1:10 p.m.
closed Sep 24 '21, 7:40 a.m. by Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103)

We are upgrading RTC 4.0.5 to 6.0.4 via 5.0.2, as this is a 2-stage upgrade. 

We also change topology and drop RRC and RQM from CLM:
from CLM JTS/RRC, RTC, RQM on 3 separate servers (without proxy) and 3 JVMs to just RTC on single JTS server for 502 (then go on upgrading to 6.0.4 on single new RTC appServer) with 1 single JVM.

First of 2 questions: Any issues with the below planned steps:

Done so far
  • Installed 5.0.2 on Linux old JTS server
    • Forced to use the only install type available, silent install with (CL) OOTB response file, as IBMim GUI and web installs are off limit, and 5.0.2 cannot be installed via (CL) console install.
    • Hence the install 
      • included RRC and RQM unnecessary, 
      • included extra wars (qm, rm, converter) in .../server/tomcat/webapps
      • used  ccm for RTC context root
      • named RTC war ccm.war
    • Requiring post install modifications:
      • Only moved the required war files (ccm, jts, clmhelp) to .../server/webapps (this is cosmetic)
      • renamed ccm.war to jazz.war
      • Modified context root to jazz by renaming folder /server/conf/ccm to /server/conf/jazz
  • Reconfigured WAS for 502 with 1 JVM and 3 war files, from 405 with 3 JVMs and more war files

To be doned
  • Lights on test: launch JVM, login
  • Shut down JVM
  • Copy iFix27 into patching location
  • Lights on test: launch JVM, login
  • Upgrade
We are particularly worrying about the install of iFix not smart enough to rightly patch after the post-install modifications required of the silent install.

Should we: 
  • have configured WAS first to ccm context root, ccm.war under .../server/tomcat/webapps
  • then lights on
  • then patch with ifix while JVM is off.
  • then re-configure WAS to jazz context root, jazz.war under .../server/webapps
  • then lights on
  • then upgrade

The question has been closed for the following reason: "Problem is not reproducible or outdated" by krzysztofkazmierczyk Sep 24 '21, 7:40 a.m.

2 answers

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Ken Tessier (84117) | answered Oct 23 '18, 4:14 p.m.

Hi --

Have you consulted the Interactive upgrade guide


long TRUONG commented Oct 24 '18, 11:09 p.m. | edited Oct 24 '18, 11:12 p.m.

Thx Ken, 

I wouldn't do any install or upgrade without the interactive guide. Unfortunately:
  • the interactive guide doesn't outlay infos on patching the install of new version with an iFix. 
  • And in this case, due to being forced to the only install type available, silent install with OOTB response file, and we need to modify context root, ccm.war, the ccm directory, we are not sure if the patching should happen before or after these post-install modifications.
We found the answer, and IBM support confirmed that: As long as the ifix zip is properly copied into the ../server/patch directory, the next start of CLM with patch with that iFix. And to start CLM, before or after the iFix got into the patch dir, we need to do the modifications before configuring WAS.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Oct 25 '18, 2:37 a.m.

I think this is beyond what this forum can do. You could consider getting services involved.

  • renamed ccm.war to jazz.war

I am not sure what this is supposed to do. If you install, you have the option to choose a different context root. If your RTC has /jazz as context root, you want to make sure to install with that context root. Otherwise there are several files referring to the wrong configuration folder path.

If you want to patch before the repotools commands are run, then patch before you run them. If you never bring the server up you could patch in the step before starting the server.

You can 

- modify the context root also for a silent install, as far as I can tell
- record or manually create response files that only install the apps you want