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Pre Test to Migrate JTS 5.0.2 to JTS 6.0.3 on another machine

Hi everybody, Happy new year for all !!
For my company, i will update a JTS 5.0.2 to a 6.0.3 but we would do that in another server to test it in test environment before the production.
So, I have configured a new server in 6.0.3 and i would like transfer my DB2 data,JTS and CCM, from my old server to my new server but when i use the tools repotools, i get :
Reading the TAR file /opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/JTSData.tar...
CRJAZ2403E The version of the data that you are trying to import does not match the version of this tool. The "com.ibm.team.jfs.resource" component in the exported file uses version "8". However, this import tool can handle only version "9".
My question is : How migrate my 5.0.2 data to 6.0.3 data .
I see that I can use the command "repotools" with parameter addTables for update my database in my 5.0.2 environnment with the teamserver.properties of my 6.0.3 but i i do that, can i continue to use my 5.0.2 server for the production. And I'm not sur is the good way to apply.
If anyone can help me.. Thanks in advance.
Best Regards
Jean-Loup PIETIN
Accepted answer


Thank you Lily Wang for your response and your link
The job is processing.
I'm feedback the result.
Jean-Loup PIETIN

I have staging a test environment for the upgrade process... Th test environment is good.
I follow the next step so install RTC6.0.3 without do the setup step.
and i Launch the command :
upgrade/jts/jts_upgrade.sh -oldJTSHome /opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/conf -noPrompt -noVerify -noStepPrompt -noEditor
I have said that i want migrate my tomcat (in 5.0.2) to Liberty (in 6.0.3) but the response of the script is :
CRJAZ1879E The source file "/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/liberty/servers/clm/conf/basicUserRegistry.xml" does not exist. The source file "/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/liberty/servers/clm/conf/basicUserRegistry.xml" cannot be copied to the target file "/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer6.0.3/server/liberty/servers/clm/conf/basicUserRegistry.xml".
CRJAZ1868E There was an error merging configuration files. See log for details.
The jts upgrade failed at step 0. Correct the problem and run the script again starting at step 0.
But I have not liberty on my 5.02 and it's normal...
How to avoid this errors.
Thanks in avance
Jean-Loup PIETIN

I did a testing in my environment but I didn't see the problem. During the upgrade script was running, it automatically merged the user information from Tomcat to Liberty:

Thnaks for your response
this is my log ... perhaps is in the parameter of the command line ...
upgrade/jts/jts_upgrade.sh -oldJTSHome /opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/conf/ -noPrompt -noVerify -noStepPrompt -noEditor
=== JTS Upgrade ===
Last execution failed at initial step...
Step 0: Update config files
Directory: /opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer6.0.3/server
repotools-jts.sh -migration_jts_updateConfigurationFiles oldJTSHome=/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/conf/ jtsContextRoot=jts updateAppServerFiles=yes updateTomcatFiles=no newJTSHome=/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer6.0.3/server/conf lpaContextRoot=admin
Repo Tools
Provisioning using "./conf/jts/provision_profiles".
To submit questions about issues, go to the Jazz.net forum at https://jazz.net/ forum.
To find more information about a message, see the online product documentation.
CRJAZ1363I Loading the configuration from "bundleresource://388.fwk-1305754366:1 /teamserver.properties".
Validating JTS configuration files...
Checking the old JTS version...
CRJAZ2132I The old JTS version is "5.0.2".
CRJAZ2624I The new JTS version is "6.0.3".
Merging JTS configuration files...
Backing up the JTS teamserver properties "/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer6.0.3/server/co nf/jts/teamserver.properties" to "/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer6.0.3/server/conf/jts/t eamserver-1483948066388backup.properties"...
Updating properties file "/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer6.0.3/server/conf/jts/teamserve r.properties" using the properties defined in "/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/co nf/jts/teamserver.properties".
- Updating property "com.ibm.team.repository.completed.setup".
- Updating property "com.ibm.team.repository.setup.completed.setup".
Backing up the Liberty user configuration file "/opt/IBMJazzTeamServer6.0.3/server/liberty/servers/clm/conf/basicUserRegistry.xml" to "/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer6.0.3/server/liberty/servers/clm/conf/basicUserRegistry1483948066526backup.xml".. .
Copying Liberty user configuration file "/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/liberty/servers/clm/conf/basicUserRegistry.xml"...
CRJAZ1879E The source file "/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/liberty/servers/clm/conf/basicUserRegistry.xml" does not exist. The source file "/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/liberty/servers/clm/conf/basicUserRegistry.xml" cannot be copied to the target file "/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer6.0.3/server/liberty/servers/clm/conf/basicUserRegistry.xml".
CRJAZ1868E There was an error merging configuration files. See log for details.
The jts upgrade failed at step 0. Correct the problem and run the script again starting at step 0.
Besst Regards
Jean-Loup PIETIN

I'm trying with updateAppServerFiles parameter with value "no"
An I will see if the system work... for the moment the upgrading is processing... But i think that i have a problem with liberty and tomcat...
I'll write Back after upgrade process will finish.

After different test with '-updateAppServerFiles no' line command parameters, the migration is finished.
A little adjustment still for the self signed certificate but the server start and i have get back all my user and project.
So Thank you Lily Wang for your time
Best regards
Jean-Loup PIETIN