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Error CRJAZ1879E when running RTC 6.0.1 upgrade for a WebSphere deployment.

When running the RTC 6.0.1 upgrade script [repotools-jts -migration_jts_updateConfigurationFiles] on a system deployed into WebSphere AS we get the following error:
Tomcat is not installed on this system so why is the script trying to migrate a Tomcat configuration file during this upgrade?
Merging Tomcat users xml file "c:\IBM\JazzTeamServer5\server/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml"... CRJAZ1879E The source file "c:\IBM\JazzTeamServer5\server\tomcat\conf\tomcat-users.xml" does not exist. The source file "c:\IBM\JazzTeamServer5\server\tomcat\conf\tomcat-users.xml" cannot be copied to the target file "C:\IBM\JazzTeamServer601\server\liberty\servers\clm\conf\basicUserRegistry.xml".We specified that we were WebSphere in the interactive upgrade guide and added the updateTomcatFiles=no switch to the repotools-jts command.
Tomcat is not installed on this system so why is the script trying to migrate a Tomcat configuration file during this upgrade?
One answer

The documentation for the jts_upgrade script https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/index.jsp?re=1&topic=/com.ibm.jazz.install.doc/topics/r_jts_upgrade.html&scope=null description of the
switch is:
Whether to update the Apache Tomcat configuration files or migrate to WebSphere Liberty. Set this parameter toThere is another switch:no
if you are using WebSphere® Application Server and set it toyes
if you are using Apache Tomcat. Starting in version 6.0.1, the default value has changed tono
to automatically migrate Tomcat configuration files to WebSphere Liberty.
who's description is:
By default, this option is set to yes to update the Tomcat configuration files when migrating to Liberty. Set this parameter to "no" if you are using WebSphere Application Server. If you are using Tomcat, this parameter will be ignored.As the default value for the -updateAppServerFiles switch is
the script will attempt to migrate Tomcat configuration files even if none exist. Setting this switch to no
should resolve the issue.