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IBM JRS:Counting # of Attribute Instance with no Value Set in JRS [URGENT]

Guindo Niamkey Jean Frederic (29218) | asked Dec 23 '16, 11:25 a.m.
Query Context
- Query Name: JRS Counting Instances with no Value Set

- Platform: IBM Doors NG v6.0.2

- Application: JRS 

- Feature: Counting Instances of Artefacts in a Module

- We have a number of Artefacts in a Module in Doors NG v6.0.2

- The Artefacts have a number of Attributes including one attribute called “Category” which has a number of possible values

- We would like to count the number of Artefacts that do not yet have a Value set.

- In other word how to count the number of Artefacts which have void/blank for the Attribute Category

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