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Items fixed in iFixes

Gary Woodward (20313) | asked Dec 21 '16, 6:14 p.m.
edited Dec 21 '16, 6:49 p.m.

We're on IBM RTC CLM 6.0.2 and we're planning to apply iFix007. Before we implement the fix we would like to know exactly what is included in the iFix. I have searched IBM's site and searched Google and haven't found anything. I even ran a query on IBM's RTC website application and queried Planned For:

6.0.2 iFix007
6.0.2 iFix007 Dev + Verification
6.0.2 iFix007 ready, publish
6.0.2 iFix007 Regression Testing

...which only returned 17 Work Items and only one appeared to be on our list of hopefuls.

Can anyone tell me where on IBM's website that I can find this information?

Much appreciate any help.


Accepted answer

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Dec 21 '16, 8:23 p.m.
The obvious place to look is the readme.txt file. If you have already downloaded the iFix package, it is included in the package. If you are going to download it from IBM Fix Central, I believe you can download the readme.txt file separately.
Gary Woodward selected this answer as the correct answer

Gary Woodward commented Dec 22 '16, 12:17 p.m.

Thanks for the answer, Donald. I have reviewed the readme.txt file. It refers to what pieces it affects, I.e., Jazz Report Builder, Data Collection Component, but it doesn't seem to offer much in the way of detail. Is this all the detail that's available?

Thanks again; I appreciate your response.


Donald Nong commented Dec 22 '16, 7:36 p.m. | edited Dec 22 '16, 7:37 p.m.

In the readme.txt file, there is a section listing all the APARs (defects) fixed in the iFix. Is it not what you're looking for?

This interim fix contains fixes for the following APARs:
[APAR ID] [Maintenance Item Summary] [Maintenance Item URL]

+-- Product Data Collection Component
Fixed in release 6.0.3:
[APAR PI61751] [DB2z JDBC Driver had been renamed from db2jcc.jar to db2jcc4.jar] []

Geoffrey Clemm commented Dec 22 '16, 10:12 p.m.

Yes, you have to scroll way down in the readme.txt file, past the list of what pieces it affects, and past the lists of instructions on how to install those pieces.

One other answer

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Denise McLaughlin (49618) | answered Dec 23 '16, 9:07 a.m.
I have question on how the readme.txt lists the items.  When I'm looking at iFix007, I see as is shown above 'fixed in release 6.0.3'.  Does this mean it is also included in the iFix?

Paul Ellis commented Dec 23 '16, 9:27 a.m.

Hi Denise,

It is just the way the readme is generated.  The general process is that fixes are performed in the current version under development and then back ported.  The section is probably too much detail (although quite handy when planning an upgrade).  Suffice it to say, if you're reading it in the readme.txt, it is included in that ifix (as well as the version listed).

I hope that helps and isn't again too much information!!

Denise McLaughlin commented Dec 23 '16, 9:36 a.m.

Thank you Paul.

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