TestCase ID number incl. into the Testcase name
I have a issue where I want to add a unique ID number to a existing Testcase.
Will it be correct just to add the unique generated ID number from RQM into the Testcase name ?
We have 3 different Projects (A,B,C) in RQM, and it also happens that we need to copy a testcase to a new TC - will this be a problem when using the RQM unique ID number in the Testcase name?
Thor Aaen
Accepted answer
The numeric ID RQM generates is unique across the repository. You can manually add the ID to the test case name if you wish. When you copy a TC the copy will have a new unique ID, but the name would not reflect the new ID. You could manually change the TC name on the copy to reflect its new ID if that is what you desire.