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RTC Workitem attribute TAB order and selection

william barnes (133) | asked Dec 07 '16, 1:30 p.m.

Using RTC 5.0

In designing and using workitems I have not found a way to control the TAB order of attributes, group Radio Button items, or select from a Drop Down List Boxes with the keyboard. Is there functionality for this that I am missing, or in a later version?

Also, in the Eclipse IDE I can not visibly see which field has focus when tabbing with the keyboard. Is there something in Eclipse I can change to see this?

Ian Wark commented Dec 08 '16, 2:56 a.m.

Ian Wark commented Dec 08 '16, 3:01 a.m.

Field with focus has dotted line

Regarding which field has focus in Eclipse, I can see a dotted line around the outside of the field with focus. Is this what you get? Note: I am using RTC 602.


william barnes commented Dec 12 '16, 12:51 p.m.

 On version 5 I see dotted lines on the WEB interface. I do not see anything on the Eclipse IDE (accept for text boxes which does have a cursor). 

I would like to be able to change the TAB order and utilize mnemonics for selection in order to stream line the ease of use and accuracy of data entry in regards to Work-items. 

I do see how to use radio buttons, however selection of a choice still requires navigating through all other choices to proceed with the next control(when using the keyboard). 

Thanks for the reply! I shall seek out an enhancement request.

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Ian Wark (79713553) | answered Dec 08 '16, 3:12 a.m.
I can't find a way to control the tab order in work items either. I think the tab order is controlled by the layout choice. It seems to go from top to bottom and then from tab to tab. And if you hit a text area it will start tabbing inside the text area. 

Regarding drop down list box, I cannot select from a drop down listbox with the keyboard in Eclipse. In the Web UI I can use tab + down arrow + enter to select a value, but it is a bit clunky.

You may wish to raise enhancement requests.
william barnes selected this answer as the correct answer

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