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CLA with python scripting

Leesen Padayachee (9960120) | asked Dec 06 '16, 6:43 a.m.

I am using the Command Line adapter with python scripts. I cannot seem to pass execution variable to this python script. There are examples that state that I need to define the a variable as "$qm_userName" ,

This does not seem to work in a python script. Please advise on how I need to define a variable in a python script so that I can pass execution variables from a Jazz test case level.


2 answers

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David Mehaffy (90123238) | answered Dec 06 '16, 9:38 a.m.
edited Dec 06 '16, 9:39 a.m.
These are passed to the script as environment variables

Something like this should work:

import os
name = os.environ("qm_userName")


Leesen Padayachee commented Dec 07 '16, 1:49 a.m.

 Hi David

So you say this has to be done in the .py script itself? and not in the batch file that we execute from RQM? The article talks about a batch script and gives the example : if [ -z "$qm_userName" ]. 

Will this variable need to defined in the batch script also?


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David Mehaffy (90123238) | answered Dec 07 '16, 10:03 a.m.
Well you don't have to have a batch file.  If your python script is sophisticated enough you can directly invoke it instead of a wrapper script.  Anything you can type as a single command for the command prompt can be a CLA script.  I don't know about windows but Unix like operating systems would pass the environment from the invoking shell script to the python script as well.  Try it - it is very easy to test - have python print one of your passed variables.  If you do it as a CLA script the output will be captured in the stdout file that gets attached to the execution result.

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